Interactive Performance Technology: Course Requirements


DANCE 3560 / THETR 3690 / MUSIC 3441
Spring 2011
Instructor: Allen Fogelsanger
Office hours: Wednesdays 12:20-1:10 Schwartz 428
Department of Theatre, Film & Dance
Cornell University

Course Requirements

Programming: This involves reading some of the Tutorials for Max, MSP, and Jitter and creating patches. Check the course schedule to see which Tutorials are assigned. The instructor will work with you closely to help you get your patches to work. All students will do basic work in this area during the first half of the course.

Movement: This involves participating in making movement on stage under faculty instruction, and composing short simple pieces. All students will do basic work in this area during the first half of the course.

Reading: For all but the end of the course, part of Thursdays will be devoted to discussion of readings. All are available online. See the course schedule and bibliography.

Projects: The last half of the course will be devoted to making collaborative projects. Students may divide up the various aspects of making them--the programming, choreographing, designing, and other work involved. Thus students who most want to pursue one aspect of the course--say making sound patches, or performing movement--will be able to do so, and will not be required to continue learning all facets of digital performance equally. But as these will be collaborative projects, SOMEONE will have to cover each part of what the group intends the project to be. There are four open assignments:

Paper: 8-12 page paper on a topic chosen in consultation with the instructor. This is the place for a measured response to the readings, discussions, and class experiences: use them as sources of examples. The course bibliography is a source of further information and potential inspiration, so you are encouraged to look through it and follow its many links. The paper is due at the end of Week 12 and is worth 15% of the course grade.

Dance concert attendance requirement: Attend and be prepared to discuss the Locally Grown Dance Festival in early March.

Academic integrity: Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's own work.

Class attendance and participation: participation means being prepared by having read the assigned materials and engaging in conversation (if not debate) with other students and the instructor. It means having worked through the programming as far as possible until bugs make further progress impossible. It means having a movement assignment or project ready to show the class. The instructors will usually not lecture but instead elicit discussion on the assigned materials, or help realize the programming and movements assignments and projects. Missing class and being late to class has a negative impact on your grade.

Grade: based as follows:

Assignments % Due Dates
Programming 15 TBA
Movement 15 TBA
Reading 15 Thursdays
Projects 40 TBA
Paper 15 Week 12